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Justice SundayII

Justice Sundays II and III

Religious Freedom For All, TomPaine, January 11, 2005

Religious Right, Santorum Sing Praises Of Alito At Phila. Church Rally, Church and State, February, 2006 -- About Justice Sunday III

Press Release from the Family Research Council about the lineup of speakers for Justice Sunday III, click here.

Who Are Justice Sunday's Ministers of Minstrelsy? Talk To Action, January 6, 2006

Minister, a Bush Ally, Gives Church as Site for Alito Rally, New York Times, January 5, 2006

Coming on January 8, 2006: Justice Sunday III, Talk To Action, November 21, 2005

Justice Sunday, all dressed up, Talk To Action, January 3, 2006

What's Up with Tony Perkins? Talk To Action, December 2, 2005

To read articles on Justice Sunday I click here.

Justice Sunday II

Busted at "Justice Sunday II": Political Lies and Ecological Disasters, Online Journal, August 23, 2005

Justice Sunday II, according to The American Prospect, was nothing less than an effort to "reinforce a sense of victimhood:" speaker after speaker hammered on the theme of oppression of Christians by a shadowy liberal establishment, it became clear that, like many of the sermons, books, and articles written by leaders of the Christian right, the real purpose of "Justice Sunday II" was to reinforce a sense of victimhood among the broadest possible swath of American Christians.

"You and I can bring the rule and reign of the cross to America -- and we can change America on our watch together." Black Pastor Urges Partnership Among Evangelicals, Catholics to Fight Culture War, Agape Press, August 17, 2005

Just Us Sunday 2: This Time, It's Impersonal, Christianity Today Weblog, August 16, 2005

Justice Sunday Reloaded, New York Times, August 16, 2005

Round-up of Justice Sun. 2 coverage & commentary, Religious Right Watch, August 16, 2005

Conservatives Rally for Justices, Washington Post, August 15, 2005

Event spotlights growing Catholic, evangelical alliance, New York Newsday, August 14, 2005

Five Members of Congress to Join Justice Sunday II By Video, Family Research Council Press Release, August 14, 2005

Religious Leaders Fault Evangelical Rally, Washington Post, August 12, 2005

Trinity Broadcasting Network to Broadcast Justice Sunday II, August 12, 2005

What Kind of "Justice" to Expect on Sunday, People for the American Way, August 10, 2005

DeLay to Be on Christian Telecast on Courts, New York Times, August 3, 2005

Frist Not Invited to Evangelical Rally, Washington Post, August 3, 2005

Justice Sunday II. It's official. Tom DeLay is a speaker.

Rally for a Theocratic Judiciary Frederick Clarkson blog, July 15, 2005

Christian Conservatives Will Take Aim at Supreme Court in New Telecast, New York Times, July 15, 2005

Justice Sunday II called 'Sacrilegious' by Interfaith Alliance President, The Interfaith Alliance, July 14, 2005


Last updated: January-2006