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Elections and Voting


Will The Next Election Be Hacked? Robert Kennedy Jr., Rolling Stone (Late September, 2006)

Keep Away the Vote, New York Times, September 21, 2006

Just Try Voting Here: 11 of America's Worst Places to Cast a Ballot (or Try), Mother Jones, September/October 2006 Issue

Voter Suppression in Missouri, New York Times, August 10, 2006

Democracy in Crisis - Interview with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Truthout, July 18, 2006

Stand Up for Democracy With Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CommonDreams, June 4, 2006

Was the 2004 Election Stolen? BY ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR, Rolling Stone, June 1, 2006


Conspiring Against the Voters, New York Times, December 31, 2005


GAO report upholds Ohio vote fraud claims, Rock River Times, November 2, 2005

What They Did Last Fall, Paul Krugman, New York Times, August 19, 2005

GOP Paying Legal Bills of Bush Official, Associated Press, August 11, 2006

Ohio Voters File Historic Lawsuit Against State Charging Unconstitutional Administration of Elections, Civil, August 8, 2005

Excerpt: None Dare Call It Stolen, Harper's, August 4, 2005

Dramatic New Charges Deepen Link between Ohio's "Coingate, Voinovich Mob Connections, and the Theft of the 2004 ElectionThe Columbus Free Press, July 29, 2005

For Studies and Articles on Voting Fraud Go to: Directory of the 2004 Election Fraud Articles

Report: Ohio Voters Plagued by Systemic Problems on Election Day 2004, DNC Voting Rights Institute, June 22, 2005

Census Statistics Indicate Vote Count Was Significantly Off, DailyKos, May 27, 2005

DEMOCRACY AT RISK, The American Prospect, May 25, 2005

Attack on election board whistleblower and leaked Blackwell threats, Free Press, May 23, 2005

What Didn't Happen In Ohio,, May 5, 2005

New York Times National Briefing, March 11, 2005:

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Ex-G.O.P. Director Sentenced The former executive director of the state's Republican Party was sentenced to seven months in prison for jamming Democratic telephone lines during the 2002 election. The former official, Chuck McGee, pleaded guilty to federal charges of conspiring to make anonymous calls with the intent to annoy or harass. He was also fined $2,000 and ordered to perform 200 hours of community service. Mr. McGee, who resigned in 2003, admitted to paying $15,600 to a Virginia telemarketing company that hired another business to call and disrupt the Democratic Party's get-out-the-vote efforts on Election Day. (AP)

Will Pitt, FYI:

February 24, 2005: Kerry-Edwards 2004 has just made two filings in the Ohio recount case currently pending before Federal Judge Edmund Sargus in Columbus, Ohio.

Kerry-Edwards 2004 has been relatively quiet in this case for the past several weeks and its filings today indicate its continued interest and involvement in this litigation.

Fixing America's Broken Elections, Rep. John Conyers, Jr. February 08, 2005

From the New York Times, January 6, 2005:

WASHINGTON, Jan. 6 - A small group of Democrats transformed the traditionally routine ritual of certifying presidential election results into a tart partisan protest today, forcing both the House and Senate to debate Election Day voting problems in Ohio, the state that gave President Bush the crucial electoral votes needed for his re-election.

With both houses under Republican control, the move, only the second of its kind since 1877, did not threaten Bush's victory over Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts. Indeed, some Democrats opposed it and the White House spokesman likened it to a pursuit of "conspiracy theories."

But its rarity underscored a lingering sensitivity to election irregularities like those that overshadowed the 2000 election.

From the blog of Keith Oberman, Countdown,, December 30, 2004, includes letter Representative John Conyers sent to Democratic Senators

Kerry lawyer: does the re-election warrant the public trust? MSNBC Countdown, December 27, 2004

Kerry Files Motion to Protect Ohio Vote Evidence , Truthout, December 27, 2004

MAKING VOTES COUNT, Setting Standards for Fair Elections, New York Times, December 27, 2004

Ohio vote count battles escalate amidst new evidence of potential criminal activity, The Free Press, December 18, 2004

Nationwide Election Incidents - EIRS 1.0.5
Diebold, Electronic Voting and the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy
IPA News Release: Was the Ohio Election Honest and Fair?
An Examination of the Florida Elections
truthout, Conyers Hearings on Ohio Vote Fraud Coverage
Daily Kos :: Voting Machines: Tale of Two Ohio Cities
Daily Kos :: Ohio Election Investigation Thwarted by Surprise Blackwell Order
New Study: More Absentee Votes than Voters in Ohio
Daily Kos :: 20 Amazing Facts About Voting in the USA
Democratic Underground Forums - What David Cobb said at Conyers hearing today
Daily Kos :: Arnebeck Lawsuit: Summary, Explanation
Daily Kos :: BREAKING: Witness Says Voting Company Tampered With Machines
Daily Kos :: Machine Tampering President Speaks - First Hand Account!!!!!
Daily Kos :: Bev Harris has lost it
Daily Kos :: Fraud in Pinellas County Florida? Latest from Daniel Hopsicker
Daily Kos :: Beyond the bubble: Voting problems outside Ohio and Florida.
Daily Kos :: Ohio Update - 12/15
Daily Kos :: Election Fraud Digest: A Resouce
Daily Kos :: Man OH man, fraud finally hits the fan?!
Daily Kos :: Why Ohio Matters
Daily Kos :: Ohio Update 12/16
Daily Kos :: OHIO: Conyers' Letter to FBI, Eaton's Affidavit & BREAKING TRIAD Developments


Last updated: September-2006